Dead Hearts (Book 1): Morbid Hearts Read online

Page 22

  He leaned back in his chair.

  “Oh, I don’t mean the Bela Lugosi type. Holy water and crosses don’t work on us. Sunshine doesn’t set us on fire and we can see our reflections. New vamps, as I like to call us, are fresh on the scene. It seems swallowing zombie blood changed a few of us, but only a few of us can make other vampires. If you’re already a vampire, don’t try to turn a human or you’ll end up with a zombie. Why? I don’t know, but be warned, there are a lot of new vamps here in Colorado Springs. We have the need to feed too, only we’re a lot better looking than zombies.”

  Rafe changed the music to something harder. The music made him smile. He soaked in the drum beat, hypnotic and dark, thinking what he wanted to say next. The song was into its chorus when he cut back in.

  “I’d like to invite all vampires to come to Colorado Springs and join me in establishing law and order. We have a vicious little queen, named Cinder, and her hellish consort, Cerberus. They consider humans as cattle. You can find them at Miramont Castle if you’re brave enough to enter. For the rest of you fang bangers, I suggest you call in and set up a private one-on-one meeting with me.”

  When the phone rang, it was the strangest sound in the world. Rafe lowered his legs and sat up straight. All eight lights were blinking red. He tried to sound calm when he spoke into the microphone.

  “Damn, well, I seem to have aroused someone’s attention. Let’s listen to our first caller.”

  It took him a minute to figure out what he was doing, but soon heavy breathing filtered through from the other end of the phone. Rafe lit up a cigarette.

  “This is Rafe. Who am I talking to?”

  “Son, you’re messing with the wrong sort of people,” said a man with a deep voice and a distinct southern accent. “Someone got the phones working. That same someone has control of the city. That means someone bigger and badder than you is in charge. I suggest you….”

  Feeling a little freaked out, Rafe hung up.

  “Come on,” Rafe said. “I want vampires who want meaning and purpose to their miserable lives to come to the Springs. So thank you to whoever got the lights back on and the phones working again.” He chose another line. “This is Rafe. Talk to me.”

  “Are you serious, man? Like, you’re on the radio broadcasting?” The man on the other end of the phone sounded young and scared. “I thought the phones were down. How come we can call in now?”

  Rafe blew out a cloud of smoke. “According to the last caller, we have a new town mayor. What’s your name, pal? You got a story to tell or am I wasting my time?”

  “My name is….”

  “Boring.” Rafe disconnected and chose line four. “This is Rafe. Whatcha got for me?” He spun around in his chair, waiting for the voice on the other end of the phone to speak. “Come on. Don’t be shy.” He paused. “This is Rafe. Say something I want to hear.”

  “Rose is the name. I’m a vampire.” Her voice was sexy and self-assured.

  Rafe laughed. “Now we’re talking. Honey, where you at?”

  “In the city. It’s not safe for you to be on the radio, Rafe. You’re playing with the wrong sort of vampires. The ones in power are dangerous.”

  “Are they the ones who got this city rocking again, baby girl?”

  “Yes. They are called Shadowguard. The vampire in charge is what we refer to as the Kaiser, and you don’t want to get on his bad side.” The woman paused. Someone was talking to her. When she spoke again, she was panicked. “Take me off air, Rafe. What I need to say is private.”

  Rafe picked up the phone and put the receiver to his ear. He let the music roll on-air, and addressed his caller in a more serious tone.

  “Rose, what’s going on?” asked Rafe. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”

  “You’re in danger. Get out of the station and meet me on the corner. I’ll come for you in a limo. You have less than a minute to get out of there. Move.”

  “Baby, who are you?” Rafe leaned forward. “Who is this boogie man you’re talking about?”

  “Lieutenant Aldarik and he’s already inside the station. Run, you idiot. They’re coming for you.”

  Rafe shot like lightning from the sound booth and stood at a window. He used a chair to break the glass. On the floor above, he heard the sounds of crashing and footsteps, and a man’s voice barking orders. He leapt out the window and landed on the roof of a bus. His eyes focused on the intersection as he dashed forward. A limo pulled to the middle of the intersection under the street lights. A door opened and someone motioned Rafe inside. Rafe jumped in and slammed the door as the limo sped forward. Turning toward the occupant seated next to him, Rafe beheld a pale, slender woman who looked to be about thirty with long blonde hair. Rose wore a black jumpsuit and high-heeled boots. Her makeup was flawless, with a soft shade of pink lipstick offsetting her glowing, violet eyes. She was breathtaking. Her driver was slick and proper, and an Asian with the tattoo of a green sea serpent sat in the passenger seat.

  “You must be Rose,” said Rafe. He reached for her hand.

  The tattooed passenger turned and aimed a gun at Rafe. Rose took hold of Rafe’s hand.

  “It’s all right, Rafe. Tandor isn’t going to shoot you. He’s being cautious. You were quite reckless tonight. You’re lucky we were in the right place at the right time or we wouldn’t have been able to help you. Aldarik isn’t someone you want to meet.”

  “Tell Tandor to lower his weapon.”

  Rose nodded at Tandor. The vampire lowered his weapon and faced forward, but it was Rose’s smile that made Rafe feel at ease.

  “The Shadowguard are dangerous, Rafe. So is their leader, the Kaiser. Tandor, Picasso, and I are with the Dark Angels. We’re a small organization that doesn’t agree with the Kaiser’s plans, so we left Denver and came to Colorado Springs. The Kaiser must have sent Lieutenant Aldarik after us. When the lights came on tonight, it was the Kaiser’s official announcement that he’s taken over this city. The Kaiser has been rounding up human survivors for months. Some he turns and the rest are either eaten or forced to fight in his arena for sport. You certainly put the word out tonight. Hopefully, any humans in this area will hide.”

  Rafe wondered how much he should tell Rose about Cadence and her camp. Rose seemed too good to be true. Beautiful, pleasant, and civil. There had to be a catch.

  “There might be a few humans around. They’re my friends. I’m not going to let anything happen to them, either.”

  “I understand, Rafe. You have no reason to trust us, but Dark Angels have vowed to protect humans. We’re on your side.” Rose gave Rafe’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Of course you must have many questions. I’ll answer everything once we arrive at the hotel.”

  Rafe noticed she possessed a gun with a laser on her lap. “Let me introduce my companions.”

  “I’ve met the guy with the gun. Tandor, right? Nice manners.”

  Rose laughed. “Tandor takes his job seriously. He’s saved my life many times. Picasso is a former Ranger. Both are reliable and proficient at killing. We mean you no harm, Rafe, or we wouldn’t have bothered picking you up. However, you need to know the Kaiser has been around longer than you can imagine. After your little display tonight, you’ll need to take extra precaution if you intend to survive on your own.”

  “I’m doing okay,” said Rafe. “Can the Kaiser make other vampires? I can do it. I know of two others who can, but anyone else who tried only made zombies.”

  “The Kaiser is a Maker. There are other Makers, Rafe. He’s going city to city, collecting them, and relocating them to Denver. All Makers must either bow to his authority or be executed. I don’t think you realize just how far his empire extends. Colorado Springs isn’t the first city he’s taken, nor will it be the last.”

  Rafe leaned back, still holding her hand. It was a small comfort and she didn’t seem to mind. He wasn’t sure where they were going, but Picasso had no problem running down zombies as they traveled. The city still had a good number of zombies milling
around and he assumed whatever hotel the Dark Angels had claimed was clear and secure.

  “Cinder and Cerberus live at Miramont Castle in Manitou Springs,” said Rafe. “I suppose this Kaiser will be picking them up. You guys are a lot nicer than those two little monsters. I was starting to think all vampires were evil.”

  Tandor and Picasso both started laughing.

  “Are you on your own, Rafe? If you want a family, I suggest you join the Dark Angels,” said Rose. “You said you wanted vampires who want to help restore law and order. We want to do more than that. We find vampires like you and bring them into our fold, but our main purpose is to protect the human race.”

  “Are you the leader of the Dark Angels?” asked Rafe.

  “Yes, but it’s not a dictatorship. We vote on everything. You should know that vampires have been around longer than you think. At the rate the Kaiser and his Makers are turning people, humans won’t be around for much longer. If you join us, we can offer you protection and perhaps help protect your human friends.”

  Rose pulled her hand from his and Rafe reached into his coat for a pack of cigarettes. He lit up and Rose rolled the window down an inch on her side.

  “I guess I’m a lucky guy,” said Rafe, puffing his cigarette. “You’re telling the truth, right? I’ve killed one vampire already. I’m not afraid of you guys.”

  “Yeah, we’re telling the truth,” said Picasso in a deep, scratchy voice. “The Dark Angels are good guys. The Shadowguard are bad guys. Only Makers can turn humans into vampires. I think that’s simple enough for a guy like you to understand.”

  “It’s okay, Rafe,” said Rose. “I know you don’t trust us yet. I’ll tell you what we’ve learned since coming here. The survivors’ camp at the Peak was overrun by zombies and they’ve relocated to Seven Falls. It’s a logical place to select and one that can be defended against zombies. But it will be impossible to keep the Shadowguard out, unless the Dark Angels offer their protection. It’s why we’ve taken up residency close to their camp.”

  “Our scouts have been watching the humans for some time,” said Tandor, turning to take a better look at Rafe. “Word spread fast about the zombie attack on the Peak. Your friends were seen traveling to Seven Falls. The Kaiser knows they are there and he knows about the vampires at Miramont. They’ll send someone to their camp to check it out and then they’ll start taking your people.”

  “Perhaps you haven’t noticed us, Rafe, but we’ve been watching you,” said Picasso. “And now the Shadowguard know about you. You can’t survive on your own. No vampire can. If Aldarik picks you up, you’ll be taken before the Kaiser and forced to swear your allegiance or be killed.”

  Rafe didn’t like the thought of being watched. It meant they’d been in town a while and had not attempted to meet him, but were spying on Cadence’s camp. He had taken the time to remove all of Cadence’s signs, instructing survivors to come to Seven Falls, but he shouldn’t have bothered. The word was out.

  “So, are any of you Makers?” probed Rafe. “I’d ask you how we were created, but I’m sure you don’t know. I figure the virus is always mutating. I swallowed zombie blood a few days ago.”

  “I’m a doctor,” said Rose. “I know a little about it. We barely made it out of Denver alive. None of us are Makers, but we know you are. You are lucky, very lucky, we got to you first.”

  “Your eyes glow violet, but mine glow blue. What’s up with that?” Rafe finished his cigarette and tossed it out the window. “Are we even vampires? The way I see it, we’re just infected with the virus and rank right up there with zombies.”

  Picasso slammed into a zombie, sending the body flying across the hood. He swerved around a corner, and headed south. Rafe stared out the window, amazed most of the street lights still worked and laughed when Picasso ran a red light. He wasn’t going to get tired of that, ever.

  “The color of a vampire’s eyes depends on who made them,” said Rose. “Most of the Dark Angels are the offspring of Salustra, but not all. The Kaiser doesn’t want anyone making vampires unless he approves it. We don’t know how many he has killed, but we do know who joined him.”

  “Anyone turned by the Kaiser is easy to recognize,” said Tandor. “They all have big, glowing, yellow eyes. You meet anyone with gold eyes, they’re not your friends.”

  Rafe thought about Cadence. When he told her what was going on, she would want to know specifics. He needed to know more about the Kaiser and the Shadowguard. Joining the Dark Angels might be the best thing to happen to him since he went to the Peak. If they really meant to protect humans, then Rafe would be able to provide Cadence with a vampire security guard. He knew his own abilities were far superior to any human. He assumed the Dark Angels and Shadowguard were just as strong and fast, and as lethal.

  “How many vampires are we talking about?” asked Rafe.

  “Thousands,” said Rose, “and they are everywhere, in every city worldwide. I was a doctor and worked in a research lab trying to find a cure for cancer. From what I have learned about the H1N1z virus it will continue to mutate and create other species. I was working on a cure when I left Denver. The zombies were the first stage of the virus. Their DNA is fragmenting, disintegrating, and from what I can tell they will all die off in time. As for vampires, our DNA is strengthened by the virus. We will continue evolving as long as there is a supply of blood. Without it our cells will begin to disintegrate as well.”

  “What other species are we talking about?”

  “It’s a recent event. Animals are contracting the virus. If a Maker is in desperate need of food and feeds on, say, a wolf, the wolf becomes infected. If that wolf bites a human, the lupine- altered virus is transferred to the prey. The infected human becomes hardier, with increased senses and abilities, and new energy processes. They are able to change into a wolf-like form, but they aren’t wolves and retain their human personalities. But there are far more than just werewolves out there, Rafe. Fortunately, werewolves generally feed on other animals and rarely attack humans. Some werewolves run in packs, some are loners, but a rare few like the Cheyenne Mountain Wolf Tribe are more civilized.”

  “That means they don’t have a wolf pack mentality,” said Tandor. “They consider themselves humans who can morph into a wolf at will. Humans who can morph into animals are called therianthropes. The wolf tribe we’re talking about doesn’t want anything to do with the Kaiser or humans. We’re not sure where they’re hiding, and they are constantly on the move.”

  Rafe gazed out the window and spotted the Broadmoor Hotel ahead. He looked at Rose and saw a kindness about her that eased his fears. For some reason he felt he could trust Rose, and if she was the leader of the Dark Angels, maybe he could trust them.

  “You’ve given me a lot to think about,” said Rafe.

  Rose leaned toward him. “I told you I was a doctor. I haven’t lost my desire to help people. That’s what makes us different from other vampires. We want to help humans because we hope to be human again one day.”

  As the limo pulled into the hotel, Rafe sat up straight, glancing at his watch. He had less than thirty minutes to reach Cadence and was anxious.

  “This is our temporary residence,” she said. “You are more than welcome to stay here, Rafe. The Dark Angels don’t feed on humans. We feed on animals and kill them afterward, but we’re working on creating a synthetic blood.”

  “You’ve got this all figured out,” said Rafe. “I’m impressed.”

  Once parked, Rafe opened the door and climbed out. He held out his hand and helped Rose to her feet. Picasso and Tandor were at her side in an instant. More vampires exited the front door of the hotel. Rafe noticed an enormous pile of dead bodies being burned in the parking lot. The stench was overpowering.

  “Fire is the best way to get rid of the virus,” said Rose. “We always burn their bodies. Afterward, the ashes will be buried.”

  “Yeah, that’s what we did with them at the Peak.”

  The Dark Angels retu
rned to the hotel. Rafe followed, but knew he was running out of time and needed to leave. Tandor and Picasso shook his hand. The vampires seemed friendly, but so had Savannah at first.

  “Look, I’d like to stay,” said Rafe, “but I need to be somewhere in a few minutes. If all goes well, I’ll come back and tell you about it. Thanks, Rose. I’m glad we met.”

  “We’ll be waiting.”

  Rafe held out his hand, but Rose ignored it. The ravishing blonde was in his embrace and before he realized what was happening, she granted him a tender kiss. When she slipped away, Rafe smelled like roses. His head buzzed as he ran to reach Midnight Falls at his appointed time.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  A soft wind filtered through the trees, sending the first leaves of autumn scattering in every direction. The moon was full and majestic in the clear sky.

  Cadence stood at the side of the stream at Midnight Falls. It was a small cascade of water flowing over the rocks to her left. The Fighting Tigers and China Six were like shadows in the darkness. Logan and Nomad had not returned to camp and Cadence was worried. Knowing Luna was running through the forest on all fours with her pride presented a big problem. Cadence imagined seeing glowing eyes in the bushes each time a leaf rustled or a twig snapped, raising the hairs on the back of her neck. Armed with a sword and her handgun, she was resolved to use whatever means was necessary if attacked.

  Looking at her watch, she read 12:00 a.m. She lifted her head at the sound of rustling in the bushes across the stream. A figure stepped forward, moving slowly, but she couldn’t make out its form. Clouds wisped across the moon, blocking its silver rays for a moment. In the distance, the howl of a wolf carried through the air and she shivered.

  “Is that you, Rafe?”